Records from LC’s RDA test are available for viewing in their online
To find the records:
1. From the home page, left click BASIC SEARCH
2. In the SEARCH TEXT box, type: 040e rda
3. Left click EXPERT SEARCH in the SEARCH TYPE box.
4. Left click BEGIN SEARCH button.
5. To view a record, left click any title.
6. You will be taken to the BRIEF RECORD display. To see the full
MARC record, left click MARC TAGS tab.
The few records I saw were for books only. All have the new 33x
fields, although it’s possible that LC and/or other agencies may not
use these fields for plain vanilla texts.
__ __ J. McRee (Mac) Elrod (mac@slc.bc.ca)
{__ | / Special Libraries Cataloguing HTTP://www.slc.bc.ca/