美国国会图书馆信息素养奖项目(Library of Congress Literacy Awards Program)是在美国慈善家David Rubenstein的资助下建立的一个奖金项目,以表彰美国以及其他国家的机构对增进信息素养所作出的卓越努力。最近他们宣布2014年的3个奖项开始开放申请,其中两个奖项面向的是国外的机构:
The Rubenstein Prize ($150,000) will be awarded to an organization that has made outstanding and measurable contributions in increasing literacy levels and has demonstrated exceptional and sustained depth and breadth in its commitment to the advancement of literacy. The organization will meet the highest standards of excellence in its operations and services. This award may be given to any organization based either inside or outside the United States.
The American Prize ($50,000) will be awarded to an organization that has made a significant and measurable contribution to increasing literacy levels or the national awareness of the importance of literacy. This award may be given to any organization that is based in the United States.
The International Prize ($50,000) will be awarded to an organization or national entity that has made a significant and measurable contribution to increasing literacy levels. This award may be given to any organization that is based in a country outside the United States.